Breastfeeding Wisdom
A breast pump can be a useful utensil to express your breast milk. You may need to express milk frequently because you return to work or just occasionally for an evening out. This blog will explain what pump is recommended for different situations. Not all types of pumps are available on the Maltese market but can be found easily on-line.
By Helen Borg,
Mum of 3 and infant Feeding Midwife at the Breastfeeding Clinic Malta in Mater Dei Hospital, is a registered midwife and completed a MSc in midwifery with Glasgow Caledonian University and a certified lactation consultant with the International Board of Lactation Consultants.
The Breastfeeding Clinic Malta, can be found on the first floor of the Outpatients Department, and is open
Open Sunday to Friday 8:00-13:00 and 15:30-18:00pm
Call +356 25454445 to make an appointment with a midwife for assistance -
All about Engorgement
Within the first week there will be changes in breasts. They start to feel warm, heavy, full, tender and may begin to leak milk. This is known as engorgement, a natural phenomena that occurs after childbirth.
Helen Borg, Infant Feeding Midwife
The Breastfeeding Clinic Malta, first floor of the Outpatients Department
Open on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 8am and 1 pm, and between 3.30pm and 6pm
Call +356 25454445 to make an appointment with a midwife for assistance